
State of prisons needs sorting

The state of UK prisons is a scandal that must be addressed, or we will all bearthe repercussions later down the line.

A report this week about the state of Wandsworth prison – which was the centre of national news last month following the escape of former British soldier Daniel Khalife – shows there is no hope of rehabilitation if nothing is done to improve the conditions prisoners are made to live in.

According to the report, there were rarely more than 50 per cent of prison officers available in the past year, making Mr Khalife’s escape less of surprise.

Assaults in the prison rose by more than 20 per cent in all areas. And for the staff who did turn up, on average they were assaulted more than 10 times per week.

For the sake all involved, staff and inmates, the Government has to fix this before the system completely breaks down.

Some might say it already has. But criminals who need help adjusting to society are being abandoned, left to do whatever they please.

What is the point of sending people to prison?

Historically it has been to try and prevent people from committing crime, though we know that hardly works if someone actually wants to commit a crime.

Really the point of sending someone to prison is to remove them from society in the hope that they will rehabilitate themselves and reflect on what they have done.

How can they do that if their prison wings are flooding regularly, like they do at HMP Wandsworth, or they have to wear the same kit for weeks on end?

The report into HMP Wandsworth found there were only 11 shower stalls for 265 men.

Treating people like animals will make them behave like animals. No wonder re-offending rates across the country are so high.

These inmates are already in prison, with their freedom taken away from them.

They know they are being punished. The point of prison is to help them learn and move on.


Spirit of South London
South London Press


Generic Picture: jraffin/Pixabay

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