EntertainmentWhats On

What’s On: Julian Clary: Born to Mince

Comedian and actor Julian Clary has announced he will be bringing his sell-out 2019 UK tour Born To Mince back to stages across the UK for a spring 2020 tour extension, including a six-night residency at London’s Bloomsbury Theatre.

In this outrageously camp show Julian Clary will continue to bare his soul in the interests of light entertainment.

Julian said, “I miss touring, I want to talk filth and I’m not one for depriving myself of that pleasure.

“In Portsmouth I can make references to seamen. In Blackpool I can tell them I enjoyed a blow on the front. In Dorking…well, the jokes will write themselves.

“You get the general idea: shamelessly low brow entertainment that will leave you feeling slightly grubby.”

He’ll murder some well-known songs along the way, no doubt, read you a sneak preview from his next memoir A Night At the Lubricant and make withering remarks about punters foolish enough to sit in the front row.

You know the kind of thing. It’s the only life he knows. Don’t miss out as this might well be the final mince.

Born To Mince is at the Bloomsbury Theatre from May 18-23.

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