
A Scouting mission to Parliament goes down well with Dulwich troop

By Isaac and Laila Motalib-Haque 

A group of cubs and scouts experienced an insight into the UK parliamentary system and the thrill of being in the chambers where the Prime Minister speaks from, during a trip to the historic building.

The group from the 7th Camberwell division in Dulwich, went on a guided tour of the ornate Houses of Parliament. As well as exploring the stunning architecture and walking amongst the statues of former prime ministers they learned about the history of politics and the monarchy.

The tour was well received by scouts and the adults accompanying them. Joost Creutzberg joined his children on the trip. He described it as “very inspiring for young minds.”

He added: “My children, Sally, 13 and Joe 9, loved the stained glass where the colours changed with the tides to represent the suffragette movement. They’ve both been school counsellors and experienced lobbying for things that their classmates want changed.

“Here they saw where this happens at a national level. It was wonderful to see where laws are discussed and decided upon.” 

Sally Creutzberg (left) and fellow scouts exploring the building and Cub Scout Joe Creutzberg (right) listing to the audio guide (Pictures: Joost Creutzberg)

Greta Lewis, 11 said: “It was fascinating to see the House of Commons – it’s much smaller than it looks on TV! Because of the election, it wasn’t very busy, so we had lots of time to look around. I liked the statue that’s called the Falkland statue.

“The sword is made from fibre glass because it was broken a long time ago. It became famous when a suffragette chained herself to it.”

Cole Mitchell, 10, said: “The best part was being able to sit in the House of Lords (I think I will apply for that job). It was interesting to see at the start of parliament, the door had been damaged by years of people knocking.”

Sophia Hewett, 12, said: “I was very interested to hear that the legislation banning slavery was passed in this corridor on the site of the former HoC chamber.”

Olaf Statham, 11, enjoyed standing in the ‘ayes’ and ‘no’s’ lobbies and the historical facts shared by the guide. He said: “We learnt about King Charles I, who got his head chopped off! We also did a very funny vote about ice cream.“

Scout leader Steve Holt, described the trip as “an amazing experience for the Scouts. He added: “It was incredible seeing first-hand the chambers and halls where our laws are made and where so many important events in UK history have played out. The Scouts had many thoughtful and insightful questions for the tour guides.”

The trip was arranged via Helen Hayes, former Labour MP for Dulwich and West Norwood.

Pictured top: Scout leader Steve Holt leading his party of young House of Commons observers  (Picture: Steve Holt)

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