
Garden makeover for childcare home – boxing punchbag and trampoline included

The garden of a children’s care home in Greenwich has been given an extensive makeover by three companies working to build new council homes in the borough.

Improvements to the outdoor space at the Adolescent Assessment Resource and Residential Centre include raised beds for plants, herbs and fruit trees, a covered seating area, trampoline, boxing punchbag and a large shed for storage.

Cabinet member for planning, estate renewal and development, councillor Majid Rahman, visited to meet care home staff and representatives of the contractors who carried out the work: Elkins Construction, Blakeney Leigh and Durkan Homes.

These companies are working with the Royal Borough of Greenwich to build new council homes to help ease the housing crisis by creating 1,750 new properties for local people on the Housing Register.

The contractors collaborated with care home staff and children’s services workers to come up with a design and plan for the new garden.

Trying out the garden extras (Picture: RB of Greenwich council)

Cllr Rahman said: “Seeing the work that’s gone into improving this garden for children in care dealing with extraordinary challenges is deeply satisfying.

“These three contractors have collaborated with care home and council staff to create a wonderful new space, improving the day-to-day experience of  the young people living in this care home, enabling them to learn new skills like gardening that will help them throughout their lives.”

The council requires all companies working on its new homes to provide social value to the wider community, with other projects including improvements to parks and public spaces, training, apprenticeships and jobs for local people, and hosting school trips to building sites for pupils to learn about construction.

Pictured top: Gathering of constructors and staff at the home (Picture: Greenwich council)

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