
NHS blood samples to be delivered by drones in London first

Two South London hospitals will start using drones to transport urgent blood samples to speed up turnaround times. 

In a six month trial, which is set to start in Autumn, Guys and St Thomas’ hospitals will use flying drones to deliver blood samples for patients undergoing surgery who are at high risk of complications from bleeding disorders.

The drones will cut delivery time between Guy’s Hospital in Great Maze Pond, by London Bridge, and the lab at St Thomas’ Hospital in Westminster Bridge road, from half an hour to less than two minutes.

St Thomas Hospital (Picture: Guys and St. Thomas’ NHS Trust)

This enables quicker analysis, helping to determine whether patients are safe to undergo surgery or be discharged, the NHS trust said.

Professor Ian Abbs, chief executive at Guy’s and St Thomas’, said: “We are proud to be the first Trust in London to trial this innovative approach to help speed up blood sample analysis for our most urgent cases.”

Blood samples are currently delivered by van and motorbike couriers.  Switching to drone deliveries will also have environmental benefits by removing carbon emissions and reducing traffic congestion, the trust said.

Professor Abbs said: “The drone pilot combines two of our key priorities – providing the best possible patient care and improving sustainability.”

Guy’s Hospital Cancer Centre, where blood samples will be delivered via drone (Picture: Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Trust)

The scheme has been regulated by the Civil Aviation Authority, which has granted the airspace approval and organised as a partnership between Guy’s and St Thomas’, Apian, a healthcare logistics company founded by NHS doctors, and Wing, a global drone delivery company.

Apian and Wing have previously partnered on medical drone delivery in Dublin, Ireland, and Apian has trialled medical drone deliveries in rural areas of the UK. 

Dr Hammad Jeilani, co-founder of Apian, said: “An NHS drone delivery network in London, starting with this innovative trial, will provide on-demand, automated and sustainable deliveries, helping the NHS create more efficient models of working and our doctors and nurses to deliver the highest quality care for patients.”

Pictured top: NHS apian wing drones will be used to transport blood samples (Picture: Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Trust)

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