Wimbledon Championship charity offers £290,000 to community projects
The Wimbledon Championships charity will offer £290,000 in a community project grants, the All England Lawn Tennis Club (AELTC) announced last week.
The Wimbledon Foundation has opened its annual Community and Get Set Get Active funds, with grants of up to £10,000 available to charities and organisations working in Merton and Wandsworth.
Applications for both funds will be open until February 24.
The community fund will focus on projects which improve mental and physical health and well-being, provide access to learning, training and employment skills, provide specialist support and advice for vulnerable groups or encourage participation in the community.
In support of Wandsworth’s selection as Borough of Culture for 2025, applications are also welcomed from organisations engaging residents in community art projects.
The Community Fund has awarded £1.9million since 2014, with South West London Samaritans and Merton Centre for Independent Living among those to have benefitted in 2024.
Peter Murray, listening volunteer and trustee of South West London Samaritans, said: “The generous grant we received from the Wimbledon Foundation Community Fund will help Putney Samaritans to expand the ‘hours of need’ shifts between 11pm and 5.30am, when demand is highest, as well as expanding volunteer recruitment and training.

“The afternoon tea hosted by the Foundation was also a wonderful opportunity to meet other local charities and explore new outreach opportunities to ensure local residents are aware of the vital support services we provide.”
The Get Set, Get Active Fund offers grants to organisations focused on sport and exercise.
Community groups, not-for-profit organisations and sports clubs in Merton and Wandsworth can apply for grants of £500 to £3,500 towards the costs of direct provision of activities including instructor fees, venue hire, equipment and kit.
Amanda Horton-Mastin, head of the Wimbledon Foundation said: “We are thrilled to start the new year by reopening the Wimbledon Foundation Community Fund and Get Set, Get Active Fund.
“We are fortunate to have been able to support so many excellent projects and look forward to funding more organisations that make a real difference to the lives of people living in our local community of Merton and Wandsworth.”
The funds are open to applications until midday on February 24.
For more information or to apply, visit the Wimbledon Foundation website.
Pictured top: Waste not Want not, which collects surplus food and distributes it through community and youth centres in Battersea, was awarded a community fund grant in 2024 (Picture: AELTC/Chloe Knott)