Young air cadets from South London earn recognition for their enthusiasm and dedication
About 100 young people from the Air Cadets London Wing – including many from Wandsworth – received prestigious recognition for their work at an awards ceremony.
The long-established Jack Petchey Foundation Achievement Awards were presented at a special event at Kensington Great Hall.
The event celebrated Achievement Award winners aged 11-25 for their contributions to their unit, where winners received medallions and framed certificates from the Foundation along with a £300 grant for them to spend to benefit their unit.
In addition, 17 adults were awarded Leader Awards for demonstrating outstanding ability to motivate young people. They each received a medallion and a framed certificate.
Squadron Leader Terry McCarty, London Wing Training Officer, who handed out awards on the night, said: “It was really great to see the difference that the air cadets are making to their unit and the Air Cadets and what a brilliant celebration.”

Among the award winners was Anthony Mayne, 16, who attends 34F Balham & Tooting. He was feted for his drive and passion towards STEM, in particular aviation.
His passion for aviation has led him to take part in a range of projects including participation in the RTX Quadcopter challenge. He and a team of cadets built a drone, and participated in a range of other challenges, leading to them taking part in national finals.
Anthony said: “Receiving the award was one of the best feelings ever, knowing all the effort over the years finally has representation and recognition.”
Tatiana Andrade Pisco, 14, who attends 33F Battersea won the Jack Petchey Achievement Award for her commitment and enthusiasm as a cadet.
Despite only joining the Squadron a year ago, she has thrown herself into cadet life and grown in confidence. She is eager to take up any opportunity available and keen to build on skills she has already gained.
Recently she took part in fundraising for the RBL Poppy Appeal at Clapham Junction station. Tatiana received really positive feedback from the organisers, as the team raised nearly £5,000.
On winning the award, Tatiana said: “If you believe in yourself, you can achieve anything.”
Since Sir Jack Petchey, CBE, set up the Foundation in 1999 to inspire, motive and celebrate the achievements of young people, investment has directly benefitted an estimated 1.3 million youngsters.
The late Sir Jack always said: “I am passionate about our awards scheme which enables young people to be recognised, valued and rewarded for their achievements and positive contributions to society.”
Pictured top: Anthony Mayne proudly shows off his medal (Picture: Jack Petchey Foundation)