
Mirror shop owner fined almost £900 for blocking pavement in Charlton

A mirror shop owner has been fined almost £900 for blocking the pavement outside his store.

Clive Berry put items like full-length mirrors, large animal sculptures and superhero figurines on display outside The Mirror Shop in the busy Woolwich Road.

The bulky items were often tied or chained to the roadside railings without consent from Greenwich council.

Blocking the free passage of a highway affects pedestrians, especially parents with pushchairs, visually impaired people or people with accessibility issues. Obstructing a highway without lawful consent is also an offence.

Despite several visits and warnings from the council’s enforcement team, Mr Berry refused to comply with requests to move his goods from where they were blocking the highway and causing an obstruction.

Cllr Jackie Smith, cabinet member for children’s services and community safety, said: “The Council has a legal duty to maintain the safety and usability of highways in the borough. By obstructing the pavement and chaining his merchandise to the railings, Mr Clive Berry was endangering pedestrians and moving traffic.

“Though we tried to engage with Mr Berry to get him to stop blocking the highway with his goods, he refused. I hope this prosecution serves as a reminder that no one is above the law in Royal Greenwich and the Council will not hesitate to prosecute those who break the rules.”

Mr Berry was convicted for obstruction of a highway, unauthorised marks on a highway and for failing to comply with a community protection notice. He was ordered to pay a total of £872 in fines and legal costs.

Pictured is The Mirror Shop in Woolwich Road, Charlton.

2 thoughts on “Mirror shop owner fined almost £900 for blocking pavement in Charlton

  • mellisa reeves travis

    what a mess this shop owner is a greedy individual .i cannot believe he blocking the path and crossing with this tacky rubbish .if he needs more space get a bigger shop .the council had to act .if a child was crossing at lights you would not see them an accident waiting to happen .

  • I was in shop browsing mirrors.whilst the owner of the shop was buying stolen meat from individuals dependent on substances I swiftly made my exit avoid


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