
Animal rights activist makes protest at Burberry fashion show

An alert security guard managed to prevent an animal righs protestor from distupting a fashion event.

Jennifer White, who is from Wandsworth, attempted to storm the catwalk of a Burberry fashion shoot at the National Theatre to unfurl a banner on behalf of PETA – the animal rights campaigners – protesting against the killing of animals for leather.

She was ushered away from the London Fashion Week event.

 Wearing a dress reading, Animals Aren’t Fabric and carrying a sign saying, F*ck Leather! Ms White sought to send the message that it’s time for Burberry – and all designers – to stop profiting from animal abuse.

She said: “Every leather bag or jacket came from the body of an animal who felt pain and terror and didn’t want to be carved up for a fashion statement.

“My message to Burberry – and any brand still using cruelly obtained materials – is that animals are not ours to wear and the future of fashion is vegan.”

PETA highlighted the incident with this post on X Picture: X

PETA argue that the global leather trade involves animals being transported for weeks without adequate food, water, or rest and confined in filthy conditions.

They say weakened animals are hoisted up by the legs and dragged off ships with cranes. Cows’ throats are often slit with dull knives while they were fully conscious, leaving them to bleed out slowly, terrified and in agony.

The event was the third time PETA supporters have disrupted a Burberry fashion show, they claim, and in July the group also stormed the company’s annual general meeting.

Burberry have been approached for comment.

Pictured top: A still from the video capturing the moment Ms White stormed onto the runway and was ushered off stage by a member of the security staff (Picture: PETA) 

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