
Can cats see ghosts or predict rain?

Vet charity PDSA is debunking popular myths about our feline friends.

PDSA Vet Nurse Nina Downing said: “Cats are a popular pet with almost a quarter of UK adults owning one.

“There are still some myths that people believe about our furry family members. We’ve all heard the rumours but it’s safe to say, don’t believe everything you hear.”

Cats and milk

For years we’ve seen cats enjoying a saucer of milk on TV and other media so a lot of owners often think that cats need milk to be healthy but this isn’t true! In fact, milk might actually do more harm than good to your feline friend.

Most cats are actually lactose intolerant, meaning that milk which contains lactose can make them poorly. They can get vomiting, diarrhoea and stomach pain from drinking it, just like lactose intolerance in humans.

Not just that, but a saucer of milk can be loaded with fat! One saucer of milk for your cat is like you eating an entire 12-inch pizza.

Not very feline-friendly
It’s thought that cats are a lot less friendly compared to other popular pets such as dogs – but again this isn’t true.

All animals are different, regardless of type of pet or breed, they have different personalities just like humans.

Cats make lovely pets, and with the right home life environment and positive training, they are often great, loving companions.

Cats can see ghosts
All cat owners have probably experienced their feline friend running crazily from room to room but despite what you might have been told about cats seeing ghosts, there’s no evidence to support this.

Cats can sense things we can’t for example their hearing is much more sensitive than ours, but this doesn’t necessarily mean they’re sensing anything paranormal.

They’re just picking up on things that are happening around us that might be too quiet for us to hear.

Scared-y cats
We’ve all heard of the term ‘scared-y cat’, but sadly when a cat is scared it’s more than just a phrase.

If your cat is left without any help their fear can lead to stress, anxiety and even illness, especially as fears tend to get worse over time.

If you think your cat is acting out of sorts, hiding away, or generally more stressed, it’s always best to speak to your vet for advice.

Cats have nine lives
Cats have a remarkable ability to fall from a height and land on their feet often unharmed which can be quite shocking to witness. And while they might seem lucky, they definitely don’t have nine lives.

Cats can tell the weather
Some believe that if a cat licks their fur more, it means it’s going to rain, but unfortunately not, our pets cannot predict the weather.

Cats are clean animals and like to groom themselves, so unless it’s going to rain every day, this superstition is untrue.

If your cat is licking themselves a lot more than normal, it’s always best to contact your vet.


Picture: Pixabay / isakarakus

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