
Grade Expectations at Kingsdale Foundation School as students celebrate A-level results

Kingsdale Foundation School in Dulwich had “Grade Expectations” of their A-level results – and the students delivered.

At least 31 students achieved at least one A* grade and 13 students achieved at least two A* grades.

Steve Morrison, head teacher of the school, in Alleyn Park, Dulwich, said: “We have every reason to believe these numbers will rise further after the appeals process has been conducted.”

Among those celebrating were, left to right, Ella Higgins, who will study psychology at Nottingham Trent, Maria Ciortea, who will study social science at Durham, Phoebe O’Connor, heading to Liverpool to study geography, Eveylyn Parsons, who won a place at York to take German, Tahsin Hussein, heading for Queen Mary University to do psychology, and Marcella Frattini, who will be taking an apprenticeship.

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