Social worker’s book gives tips on giving evidence in court
By Jacob Paul
A social worker has written a book about how to prepare for giving evidence in a family court to help others who have to go through the process.
Michael Watson, who is Croydon-based, has been a social worker for more than 30 years.
He recounts his own experiences and what he’s in learnt in Family Court: Giving Evidence In Family Court to help social workers, parents, or anyone else who has to give evidence in the witness box.
Mr Watson, pictured top, said: “You’re in no way prepared for the things people throw at you or how it leaves you feeling afterwards. No one prepares you for it and the legal profession doesn’t think about how it makes you feel.
“There are parents who need to know how to manage the court process to get the best for themselves and for their children.
“They could get angry, break down or get upset and no one teaches them how to manage this process.
“Social workers need to know how to argue their case and not be made to look like a fool because every time that happens it knocks your ability to do the job well.
Michael has had tough times over the years as a social worker.
He said: “One of the biggest challenges I have had was right at the beginning of my career when a child died and I was very young and didn’t know what to expect or how to handle it.
“It was my first court case and it was a nightmare. It was a baptism of fire and I got slaughtered.”
Mr Watson was compelled to write the book to ensure people do not have to suffer the same difficulties he once faced when he first appeared in family court to give evidence as a social worker.
He said: “Being in the witness box is alien to people, and it’s daunting and stressful and I think it’s something that people really need to know about.”
Family Court: Giving Evidence In Family Court is available for purchase on Amazon.