Teenager runs 5K a day to raise over £7,000 for children living through war
By Toby Porter
A teenager has pledged to run 5km a day for 30 consecutive days during February, to help children who are living through war.
Oscar Saltissi, 17, from Prince of Wales Drive, Battersea, decided to turn lockdown into an opportunity to support War Child UK – a charity dedicated to supporting children affected by conflict.
Since the February 5, Oscar has been clocking up the miles, and has already raised over £7,300 through his fundraising page.
He said: “I would have been over the moon to raise £1,000 – so to raise multiples of this is fantastic and I feel massively thankful for the generosity of all my sponsors.
“War Child is a charity that helps the most innocent in the worst places in the world. Children suffer the consequences of adult war, which is not ok.
“By supporting War Child, it helps change the lives, and future lives, of so many vulnerable kids.”
The generosity of the teen’s donors was, until February 18, doubled by the UK Government through Aid Match, which supported the charity’s Torn From Home appeal to help keep children affected by war in Afghanistan at home and safe.
All donations made will support War Child UK’s work in helping to keep families together, sparing thousands of children from migration and labour where they can face exploitation and abuse.
“War Child is a charity I’ve known about for a few years,” Oscar said.
“It resonates with me as they focus purely on helping children.
“It’s hard to imagine that some children don’t have the basic levels of security, education and healthcare that I take for granted.
“Despite my frustration of living in lockdown, those children helped by War Child, who lose their parents, family and homes, would wish for even one day of my life in lockdown.”
“Having the commitment to this challenge every day has definitely given me the motivation to get outside in the fresh air and do exercise, which makes you feel better generally.
“It’s been far too easy to stay at home and this challenge has given me routine and a positive purpose to my day.”
To donate to Oscar’s fundraiser go to: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/oscar-saltissi?utm_source=Sharethis&utm_medium=fundraising&utm_content=oscar-saltissi&utm_campaign=pfp-email&utm_term=8c8b4597f1f54d68bea13b497b262f7b