
Cyclists forced to carry bikes up 96 steps as Greenwich foot tunnel lifts remain broken for months

By Kiro Evans, Local Democracy Reporter

London cyclists have been left furious that broken lifts mean they have to drag their bikes up 96 steps at Greenwich foot tunnel.

The elevators have been out of action for months leaving cyclists with few options but to take the stairs on their commute.

The Greenwich foot tunnel connects Canary Wharf and the Isle of Dogs to North Greenwich and has proved to be a useful route since the early 1900s when they were built.

But a broken lift on the south side of the tunnel since at least August has made life a challenge for those carrying heavy bikes.

Cyclists told the Local Democracy Reporting Service about the issue as they commuted home yesterday evening.

Bike rider Matt Harrison, panting as he conquered the final step, said: “It’s a nightmare.

“It’s been months and I come up and down these stairs twice a day.

“It’s not just about cyclists, it’s about accessibility for everybody. If people can’t walk up the river, how else are they going to get up the stairs?

“Luckily I’m fit and I can do it but it’s everybody else that can’t do that. That’s the biggest problem.”

Not long after he made his 96-step trek, Rob O’Shea said: “It’s terrible, but it keeps you fit. The lift has been broken for months. I have to do it every day when I go into work.

“Evenings, I don’t like it. Mornings, I’m full of energy so I don’t care.

“You know it’s really scandalous. But the biggest problem is, not intentional vandalism, but misuse. That’s probably what breaks it. People are blocking the doors and holding them open for other people and that’s what causes the doors to get damaged.

“I go to Canary Wharf so there’s not really any other way around apart from London Bridge. It’s just a real nuisance.”

Mark Aldous revealed his frustration after hoisting his bike over the final step.

He said: “It’s hard work and annoying. The most frustrating thing is you can see thousands spent on empty cycle lanes throughout the borough and throughout London, and this is the only cycle crossing all the way until Tower Bridge so it’s very frustrating.

“I don’t remember a single day this year that both lifts worked. But I travel up here everyday so at least it keeps me fit.”

The foot tunnel is seen as the most convenient way across the River Thames for pedestrians and cyclists in this part of London.

To the East is the Woolwich Foot Tunnel, while to the West is London Bridge and Tower Bridge in the centre of the capital.

Since 2014 cyclists were also allowed to load their bikes onto the DLR during off-peak periods.

Greenwich council issued a statement on the foot tunnel in October, which read: “It is with disappointment that the Royal Borough of Greenwich is letting Greenwich Foot Tunnel users know that lift repairs will be delayed due to international supply chain disruption.

“While the design work and preparation for the lift repairs is making good progress, disruption and material shortages are impacting availability of the bespoke parts required for the repairs.

“The revised date for the reopening of lifts at both the north and south sides of the tunnel is early March 2022 – around four weeks longer than anticipated.

“The council is working closely with suppliers to minimize the delays, caused by shortages in stainless steel and electronic components, which are beyond our control.

“At this point we are unable to predict if any more delays will be experienced. We will continue to update tunnel users as the repair work progresses.”

Pictured top: Mark Aldous

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