Learning disability organisation ThreeCs creating discovery boxes at Horniman’s community engagement programme
As part of the Horniman’s community engagement programme, 17 groups were invited to curate “discovery boxes” of objects for “interactive handling stations” in the new gallery.
The discovery boxes sit within the Perspectives section of the World Gallery, which presents objects in a variety of categories, posing questions about how we classify the world around us and re-imagining the discipline of anthropology.
The broad range of responses reflects the diversity and creativity of South London’s population. Among the 17 organisations, Greenwich and Lewisham Young People’s Theatre have imagined a box on the theme of “play”, and the IndoAmerican Refugee and Migrant Organisation created a box based around “home”.
St Christopher’s Hospice made a box based on “ceremony, community and connections”.
They will be on display in the new World Gallery which opens to the public on Friday.