
Have Palette, Will Travel, at The Gallery Space West Greenwich Library

A 90 year old artist known for his paintings of the Thames is set to exhibit 50 years of his work.

Terry Scales, who grew up in Bermondsey and lives in Greenwich, will display an exhibition called Have Palette, Will Travel, at The Gallery Space in West Greenwich Library, Greenwich High Road, between August 15-17.

The exhibition is a rare opportunity to see Terry’s lesser known works of architecture and a variety of landscapes featuring paintings, drawings and prints from the UK and abroad, with a focus on a particular favourite; the Kentish landscape.

In 1939, Terry was sent as part of the early evacuations in the Second World War of London children from Bermondsey to Brighton, and then to Devon.

It was there during the duration of the war that his love for the countryside began.

Returning to industrial Bermondsey after the war was a rude shock but he gained a place in the Junior Department of Camberwell School of Arts.

Afterwards Terry sold paintings of places far afield like Canada, Portugal and Bavaria but insists during the last 40 years his real love of the landscape of the British Isles prevailed.

He said: “This exhibition features prints of those paintings further afield and paintings drawings from England and Wales with a special fondness for the Kentish landscape.

“Throughout these landscape adventures I benefited from the advice and criticism of my partner Cristiana Angelini.

“We shared many happy holidays together painting and I hope you enjoy reliving some of these memories with me.


Pictured: Terry Scales painting in Bucklebury, Berkshire, in 1951 – Picture: Terry Scales

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