
Families still waiting to return home more than a fortnight after gas explosion

By Tara O’Connor, Local Democracy Reporter

About 50 households are still waiting to be told they can go home, more than two weeks after a devastating gas explosion killed four-year-old Sahara Salman.

The news comes as another 60 families were told they can return to their homes in Galpin’s Road “at their own risk”.

Police said it could still be “several weeks” before those with homes in the cordoned off area could return.

About 500 people were evacuated after the explosion on August 8 and last week around 50 households were able to return home.

Merton council confirmed 100 homes are now out of the cordoned area, while 50 remain in it.

The authority started to help another 60 households move back into their houses on Wednesday of last week, but emergency vehicles can still not access the southern end of the road.

The council is in the process of building a temporary road through Mitcham Common from Commonside East to the south end of Galpin’s Road.

An update from Merton council reads: “Residents intending to go back to their homes straightaway are advised that they return at their own risk for the time it takes to build the temporary road, because, until then, there will be no access for emergency vehicles to the southern end of Galpin’s Road.”

Those who have returned home will be given supermarket and takeaway vouchers as well as being offered professional cleaning and pest control.

For those in the southern end of the road special arrangements have been made for rubbish collection as it still can’t be accessed by vehicles.

In a statement on Tuesday, Met Police said the investigation into the incident is the “most complex investigation that any of us can remember in Merton”.

Police work in the road is expected to continue for several more weeks, meaning the centre of the cul-de-sac is “impassable”.

Witnesses or those with information are asked to call the incident room on 020 8785 8244. The New Horizon Centre in South Lodge Avenue is open between 9am-7pm to support residents who have been affected.

Pictured top: Police erect a cordon near the scene on Galpin’s Road, Thornton Heath where four-year-old Sahara Salman died when a terraced home collapsed following an explosion and fire (Picture: PA)

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