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Exhibition: Jitish Kallat’s Whorled (Here After Here After Here)

Somerset House has unveiled Jitish Kallat’s Whorled (Here After Here After Here), a new courtyard commission by Somerset House.

This striking outdoor installation, more than 30 metres in diameter, comprises two intersecting spirals that echo the signage of UK roads and connect the famed neoclassical courtyard of Somerset House to locations across the planet and distant universe.

Whorled (Here After Here After Here) is conceived as a seismic ripple or a galactic whorl, aligned to the Earth’s cardinal north-south directions and spiralling outwards from the centre of the Somerset House courtyard.

The work draws upon sacred geometry and alchemical diagrams; like much of Kallat’s work, it interlaces the immediate and the cosmic, the past and present.

Two vast scrolls, each 168 metres in length, form interlocking spirals and a continuum of text and symbols follows the visual language of UK motorway signage.

As visitors walk through the scrolls, these signs indicate the distance from Somerset House to over 300 locations across the planet and beyond, pointing to celestial bodies, such as the Moon, Mars, and distant stars in the Milky Way.

Routes through the work map circular movements through space and time.

Visitors encounter a continuous shifting of focus as proximate planetary locations border distant and departed supernovae.

Several of the places featured in the work have fallen victim to rising sea levels, while others are known to be under environmental threat of submersion within the next thirty years.

These place names, accompanied by warning and hazard symbols, resonate with Somerset House’s own proximity to the River Thames and London’s vulnerability to flooding.

With exhibition dates that encompass Earth Day 2023, the cyclical movements through space and non-linear time prompt a reconsideration of our relationship with the planet, its past and imminent future, and the wider cosmos.


Picture: Whorled (Here After Here After Here) by Jitish Kallat Picture: David Parry, PA

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