
Pet’s Corner Q&A

My cat Olive has recently been diagnosed as deaf by our vet. How can I best look after her with her new condition?

Olive can live comfortably with hearing loss but you will need to be patient while she learns her new ways of communication.

Deaf pets often feel vulnerable, as they can’t rely on their hearing.

There are training techniques, such as hand signals, which can help you communicate Picture: Pixabay / DariuszSankowski

Make sure Olive is given the opportunity to approach you and visitors first, rather than the other way around, so she isn’t worried.

Similarly, be careful to never startle her or disturb her when she is sleeping, as this can prevent her from relaxing completely when resting.

Whenever leaving the house, make sure Olive can see you leaving whenever possible, so she doesn’t panic when she can’t find you.

There are training techniques, such as hand signals, which can help you communicate with Olive, too.

I’ve seen the weather forecast warn snow might be coming to the UK in the next couple of weeks. Should I still walk my dog, Brucey, if it snows?

Most dogs still love the chance to go out on adventures even on snowy or icy days.

Always be extra careful and watch your step on walks as icy surfaces can be just as slippery for our pets.

Be careful not to be out too long, to prevent him getting too cold. Picture: Pixabay/Chiemsee2016

Look out for the salt and grit that is used on roads, as that can irritate our pet’s paws. I

If you end up walking on salt and grit, be sure to wash Brucey’s paws when you get home.

If Brucey has thin fur, is a lightweight breed, elderly or very young, he may appreciate a coat to keep him warm.

Be careful not to be out too long, to prevent him getting too cold.

My friend’s dog got stung by a bee last year and was really poorly so I’m petrified of the same thing happening to my dog, Ellie, as we get closer to the spring and summer months. What should I do if this does happen?

Insect stings are fairly common in pets, but most don’t cause a big problem.

In extreme reactions cases can be severe and even life threatening, so you’re right to want to be prepared.

Watch for rapid swelling of the lips, neck, eyes, ears and face, as well as breathing difficulties, if you see these signs, you’ll need to take her to the vet immediately Picture: Pixabay chezbeate

If you think Ellie has been stung by an insect, watch for rapid swelling of the lips, neck, eyes, ears and face, as well as breathing difficulties, if you see these signs, you’ll need to take her to the vet immediately.

If Ellie is having a more mild reaction such as a skin rash, drooling, limping or mild swelling elsewhere on the body, call your vet for advice, as she might need medication such as an anti-histamine.

Find out more here –


Picture: Pixabay chezbeate

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