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Suzi Quatro’s drummer celebrates 60th at Hideaway, Streatham to raise cash for youth heart charity

Suzi Quatro’s drummer will be holding a fundraising event in Streatham later this month to raise funds to bring Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) pioneering screening programme to the local area.

Colin Woolway’s drumming event will take place at Hideaway club in Streatham and will feature performances from fellow celebrity drummers.

As well as raising money for CRY, Colin, pictured, will also be celebrating his 60th birthday during the event.

Colin, from Twickenham, first become involved with the charity after his son, Silas, was diagnosed with a life-threatening cardiac condition, aged just 17.

Silas, a keen footballer, first became aware of his diagnosis when a ‘one off’ blood pressure and heart rate test at his Sunday league football match revealed his heart rate was dangerously high and in Colin’s words ‘through the roof’.

After further tests and an ECG, an anomaly was quickly identified, and Silas was diagnosed with a condition known as Dilated Cardiomyopathy (HCM) which if left undiagnosed and untreated can tragically lead to sudden cardiac death. Silas, a talented football player, was told to stop all physical activity right away.

However, Silas’s incredible maturity and positive outlook on life enabled him to come to terms with this verdict and accept that his life will now take a different path. Now, two years on, Silas’s heart has repaired but he will continue to be on medication in the upcoming years and possibly for the rest of his life.

Colin said: “Silas’s diagnosis was a huge shock to the family but we’re so grateful that his condition was picked up and Silas can manage and live with his condition, rather than potentially die from it.

“I’m delighted that I’ve become involved with the charity and will do all I can to raise awareness of the importance of screening and Young Sudden Cardiac Death (YSCD). We’re one of the lucky ones but it’s vital that screening – and CRY’s many other amazing services – can continue delivering support to young people and their families across the UK.”

To support Colin and donate to his page, visit: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-display/showROFundraiserPage?userUrl=ColinWoolway1&pageUrl=1

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