
EXCLUSIVE: Brexit Labour MP Hoey refuses to step down after demand from party workers

Vauxhall’s rebel Labour MP Kate Hoey has refused to be dictated to by her constituency workers about when she will step down.
Members voted last night, Thursday, to demand she announce she is not standing at the next election.
But the former Minister of Sport, elected to the constituency in 1989, has said she will not bow to their timetable agenda.
She is one of the few Labour MPs to consistently vote in favour of Brexit motions even though Vauxhall voted by up to 78 per cent against leaving the EU.
She said: “As I have done for 30 years, I will make my own decision in my own time and in line with the rules of the Party.
“My first duty is to those thousands of constituents who I help with individual issues and those who feel neglected by all political parties.
“I do understand from my many friends and fellow campaigners in Vauxhall CLP how strongly they feel about the issue of the EU referendum – equally many of these tell me privately that they value someone of consistency and principle as the MP – even when we disagree.
“With the next General Election not due to 2022 I have a lot more work to do.”
Her constituency party voted unanimously last night to call on her to stand down as their candidate at the next election.
The motion said: “This general committee notes Kate Hoey’s record of voting in Parliament with the Brexit supporting Conservatives in opposing attempts to avoid the UK leaving the European Union with no exit treaty agreed.
“We believe such a course would be catastrophic for the UK and since Kate Hoey’s views on the UK’s relationship with the EU are contrary to those of the majority of her constituents and the party and not in the best interests of either her constituents or the country, we call upon Kate Hoey to announce before 15 March 2019 that she will not stand as the Labour Party candidate for Vauxhall at the next election.”
Graham McKerrow, who proposed the motion, said: “Our MP is using her position to back Brexit, to facilitate even a foolish and dangerous No Deal Brexit, and to back the Conservatives in votes they would have lost without the support of her and a handful of her allies.
“I proposed this motion because it keeps up the pressure on her; it demands a response from her, and it sets a deadline.
“I chose the acknowledgment of her 30 years of service as an MP to give her time to consider it and to make a dignified announcement, and also it is a date two weeks before the UK is due to leave the EU and so before the likely timing of any announcement, if there is one, of a snap general election.

“I hope Kate Hoey will announce that she will stand down.”

Hoey was one of 14 Labour MPs to ignore a three-line whip and to vote against Yvette Cooper’s amendment to extend Article 50 and try to avoid a No Deal Brexit.
She was also one of three Labour MPs to vote against Caroline Spelman’s amendment opposing a No Deal Brexit.
She was also one of seven Labour MPs who voted for the government-backed Brady amendment sending the prime minister back to Europe to renegotiate “alternative arrangements” to the Irish backstop, which Prime Minister Theresa May has used as yet another delaying tactic.
On Wednesday, 27 February 2019, Hoey voted against an SNP amendment to rule out No Deal.
Party members passed a vote of no confidence in her last July.

22 thoughts on “EXCLUSIVE: Brexit Labour MP Hoey refuses to step down after demand from party workers

  • She is one of the few MPs who is abiding by the wishes of the referendum vote and should be commended and not berated

    • The lady is doing her job for the majority who voted leave unlike others in labour who ignore the vote of the people she’s standing up for what she and other people believe in i have respect for her

    • Henry Carville

      She should join a party where she would feel at home. Only one such springs to mind – the D.U.P.

  • James fletcher

    Why is it when the remainers did not get the vote result they wanted they keep on trying to have another vote how many times will it take I say well done Kate howey keep the faith and carry on regardless of what the corbynites say

  • Good on her! I can’t wait to see brexit implemented, especially a hard one, the UK needs a good wakeup call!

    • Spot on comment !!

  • Bernard Mc Nicholl

    She should be throwing out of the party she is dup and anti everything Irish

  • Geoffrey Burley

    An old school politician that follows the party manifesto published for the election and not following the remainders wishes . Very Well done Kate , keep it up and tell them where to go , sure your electorate will revote you in at the next election

  • Anthony thomas

    She should resign

  • The best way to get socialists away from the trough is with a meat hook or an axe.

  • Why are there so few Remainer comments?
    Remainers are usually at work.

  • Kate is one in a million.

  • Kate howie is a Conservative /Dup plant posing a Labour representative, wake up people and smell the toxic coffee of a saboteur out to disrupt the labour party.

  • Neil Peterson

    Kate supports the views of many Labour voters unlike those in the Labour Party who have chosen a different path from the majority of their voters. Labour no longer represents it’s voters which they will come to realise at the next election. I believe, like myself, their core voters turn their backs on them and will instead vote for the Conservative Party or the Brexit Party.

  • Kate Hoey is brilliant. A woman of integrity.

  • Kate Hoey is correct in her stance on Brexit. Graham Mc Kerrow appears to be left of left in his politics.I voted to remain but now being a true democrat believe we should leave as per the vote.

  • Well done Kate,

    Keep the faith.

    Chris Pict

  • Kate HOEY is first and foremost an Ulster Unionist.. Bearing very little resemblance to a true Labour person…

  • Graham McKerrow is left over in his politics. May his god not let him or his cohorts(Corbyn etc) have any say in our country.
    Gary a normal socialist.

  • Well done Kate Hoey, stick it to the reminders! Stand up for democracy, leave means leave.

  • Anthony James Gregory

    Kate Honey for Labour Leader or she can join UKIP

  • Now that Kate hoey will be out of a job soon with her secterian right wing views she can have some comfort in the news that Disney are hiring extras in the new planet of the apes sequel I’m Shure she has a chance of future employment


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