
Free gym and swimming lessons for more people in Wandsworth

By Charlotte Lillywhite, Local Democracy Reporter

More South Londoners are now eligible for free gym and swimming lessons at off-peak hours and the weekends after a council scheme was extended. 

Wandsworth council launched the scheme in the summer holidays last year, in partnership with contractor Places Leisure, to provide free access to sports and leisure centres for residents who might be unable to afford the sessions otherwise.

The council extended the initiative on January 1 to include residents claiming a much wider range of benefits, along with 17 and 18-year-olds receiving free school meals. 

Leisure facilities in Wandsworth managed by another contractor, Enable, have also been added to the offer, including Battersea Sports Centre, Barn Elms Sports Centre and Tooting Bec Athletics Track and Gym.

Under the original scheme, residents receiving Universal Credit and asylum seekers can already access free adult gym and swimming sessions at off-peak times – before 5.30pm on weekdays and all day at weekends. 

People aged 16 and under receiving free school meals are already able to swim for free, with a parent able to join them. They can also book sports facilities for free at off-peak times, while those aged 11 to 15 years old can access free gym sessions.

The extension of the scheme now means people claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance, Housing Benefit, Disability Living Allowance, Carer’s Allowance, Child Tax Credit, Working Tax Credit, Pension Credit, Income Support and Council Tax Support are eligible for the support. It is also now available to people eligible for, but not receiving, Pension Credit.

Labour council leader Simon Hogg previously said the administration was “working hard to make Wandsworth a fairer borough” when he announced plans for the original scheme in February last year.

Picture: Pixabay

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