
Croydon dementia charities celebrate Christmas in style

The Alzheimer’s Society South London team got together with The Croydon Dementia Action Alliance last week to celebrate Christmas in style and raise awareness for those living with the condition.

The event, at Braithwaite Hall, Croydon, hosted 35 families and councillors.

Programmes Director Susan Underhill, of Age UK Croydon, organised the music, courtesy of Paul Betts, who had everyone singing and dancing. 

Croydon Dementia Action Alliance Christmas party dancers (Picture: Alzheimer’s Society)

The food and warm blankets were sponsored by Home Instead Croydon, with director Bavin Patel and manager Krisna Patel joining in the fun.

According to the Alzheimer’s Society, one in three people born in the UK today will go on to develop dementia in their lifetime.

Currently around one million people in the UK are living with the condition, including more than 87,300 people across London and more than 4,300 in Croydon.

This Christmas, the Alzheimer’s Society is raising awareness around the condition to help everyone feel included and enjoy the occasion. 

Bavin Patel, director of Home Instead Croydon, and guests at the Christmas party (Picture: Alzheimer’s Society)

Fiona McLeod, community development coordinator in London, said: “Christmas should be one of the happiest times of the year, but sadly for hundreds of thousands of people living with dementia, the festive period can be a really challenging time.”

Ms McLeod’s top tips to help support your loved ones over the festive period are; Put up decorations gradually, keep it simple and familiar, get everyone involved, create a quiet area, be flexible and plan ahead.

Pictured top: From left, Alzheimer’s Society dementia adviser Vicki Palacio, community coordinator Fiona McLeod and dementia adviser Sue West (Picture: Alzheimer’s Society)

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