Fledgling Harris Sixth Form at Clapham earns ‘outstanding’ first report
Harris Clapham Sixth Form received its first ever Ofsted inspection in November and has been judged ‘outstanding’.
Since opening just over three years ago in the middle of the pandemic, the King’s Avenue sixth form claims to have developed into ‘an excellent school that serves a diverse South London community’.
It has seen its student population grow each year and has supported students to achieving places at some of the most prestigious Russell Group universities in the country, including King’s College London, University College London, University of Warwick and Imperial College London.
Ofsted inspectors noted that: ‘students thrive at the sixth form because they have extensive opportunities to develop their character and interests, become more independent and highly motivated to improve’ and are ‘exceptionally well prepared for university study.’
Head of School Sarah Heuston said: “This result is a testament to the dedication of our hardworking staff and the energy that our brilliant students bring to school each day.
“Following the fantastic A-Level results our students received last summer, with many top university places secured, it is particularly gratifying that inspectors noted how well prepared our students are for life beyond out Sixth Form.
“We know that what we do here is special and helps to change the course of students’ lives, and are so pleased that inspectors saw this during their visit. We hope to build on these brilliant outcomes to help our students achieve even greater success in the future.”
Pictured top: Staff and sixth formers are proud of their rating (Picture: Harris Clapham SF)