
Climate change protesters plan to shut West End roads


The Extinction Rebellion movement says it is planning to blockade “every single road” in the West End for two weeks.

From Monday, Extinction Rebellion UK wants to shut down central Westminster as part of the international movement to force governments to act on what they say is an impending global
climate catastrophe.

The UN recently held a climate emergency conference in New York.

Tens of thousands of people in more than 60 countries across every continent are mobilised for the event. In the UK, Extinction Rebellion will converge on Westminster, blockading every road in the area for “at least” two weeks.

The movement says emergency peoples’ assemblies will be convened to symbolically write and approve an Emergency Queen’s Speech, which will direct government departments to answer the question: “Where are your emergency plans?”

Sarah Lunnon, of Extinction Rebellion UK, said: “We hope that world leaders understand that the climate and ecological emergency means that “the rules must change” and it is time to let go of that which is killing us.

“Humanity faces a growing risk of societal collapse in 10-20 years due to mass starvation, migration and war.

“More rhetoric at this stage will not help, that is why we have been left with no other choice but to shut down capital cities to raise the alarm.

“The collapse of our climate and ecosystems has already begun, and is in fact accelerating beyond predictions. We are vulnerable, all of us.

“Our food supply is in peril as extreme weather spreads out across the globe and devastates lives and livelihoods. It is no secret – scientists express their panic daily.

Wildfires are ripping across the Arctic. “Ice is melting at speeds never thought possible. Deadly heatwaves are crippling countries. We have to tell the truth – we’re out of time. It is time for everybody now to rebel.”

In April, more than 1,000 people were arrested in London as Extinction Rebellion UK disrupted business with blockades at four sites across London.

This time, the movement plans to target government ministries and departments around Westminster to demand each shares its plans for the climate.

An Extinction Rebellion statement read: “It is expected that thousands more ordinary citizens – with parents, builders, footballers, doctors, teachers, musicians, scientists, chief executives, farmers and other movements aligned to the cause joining and peacefully blockading more than 11 key areas until Extinction Rebellion’s demands – for truth, action and a democracy fit for purpose – are met.”

The key gathering points for the protesters will be Trafalgar Square, Horse Guards Parade, Whitehall, Westminster Bridge, Millbank, Victoria Tower Gardens, and Lambeth Bridge.

The blockades around Westminster will be used for temporary accommodation, creative performances, art installations, family zones, and free meals.

The Met insists it is ready. A spokesman said: “The Met have been preparing for this protest for several weeks now “The policing operation will be proportionate to balance the right to a peaceful protest, while
ensuring disruption to communities is kept to a minimum.

“Officers from across the Met will be deployed to support the public order operation, balanced against policing the rest of London.”

Councillor Tim Mitchell, Westminster City council cabinet member for environment and city management, said: “The right to lawful protest in public spaces is part of our democracy.

“The Metropolitan Police is the lead agency for protests and demonstrations, but we are working closely with them to minimise impact to residents and businesses as much as we can.

“Climate change is a global issue affecting us all and as a council we are playing our part in reducing the impact we have on our environment.”

One thought on “Climate change protesters plan to shut West End roads

  • JackBNimble

    Road travel disrupted, including our emergency services. People stopped from going about their legitimate business, including getting to work. Deliberately wasting police time, by gratuitously seeking to get arrested. They even toyed with a plan for flying illegal and dangerous drones to disrupt Heathrow.

    This goes beyond freedom of speech and protest. It meets the legal definition of terrorism. This is nothing less than a criminal conspiracy, and the organisers should be arrested and made an example of, before they cause more mayhem.

    Theresa May’s weak Tory government in fact sucked up to them – 1,000 arrested with only one conditional discharge in the early trials. Anyone would think they were in collusion – the barmy Conservative Environment Network even met with the Climate Hooligans.

    I don’t know anyone who shares their extreme form of climate alarmism. There’s more evidence that they are out to damage private enterprise, which they mistakenly lump together as ‘capitalism’.


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