
Lewisham residents and volunteers plant 700 trees and bluebells in Forster Memorial Park

Thanks to Brexit, the general election and Christmas shopping, there’s a lot of uncertainty at the moment.

One thing we can be sure about is that our future involves trees. And lots of them, writes Kit Heren.

The country needs to plant 50 million trees every week to meet the Conservatives’ target of ending carbon emissions by 2050, according to the Committee on Climate Change.

Labour’s promise that the UK will be carbon neutral by 2030 and to help get there they recently announced a plan to plant two billion trees over the next 20 years.

Residents of Lewisham have been doing their bit.

Last Saturday, more than 150 volunteers of all ages planted around 700 trees and bluebells in Forster Memorial Park.

The Mayor of London, the Woodland Trust and the Community Co-op Fund donated the plants.

The event was organised by Friends of Forster Memorial Park, a volunteer group that helps to look after the park.

Alice Stell, a spokeswoman for Friends of Forster Memorial Park, said: “It’s been wonderful to see our community coming together to breathe new life into our much-loved local park.

“Not only will planting these new trees and flowers enhance our lives and the life of our park now, but it will also help look after the well-being of many future generations to come.”

Volunteers included Councillors Kim Powell and Mark Ingleby, members of Lewisham’s Good Gym and local Beavers.

Kim Powell, Labour councillor for the Whitefoot ward in Lewisham, said: “It was a great occasion to help the environment.

“It shows what a community can do when they put their minds to it.”

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