Chicken Burger and Chips at the Brockley Jack Studio Theatre
An edgy and moving one man play will run at the Brockley Jack Studio Theatre from March 10-14, just a stone’s throw away from the streets, estates and takeaways where the drama is set.
Chicken Burger and Chips is Corey Bovell’s creation after success with his debut play, 32 Peak Street.
Set during the summer holidays of 2009 Corey dreams of nothing but to hang around with his friends while ordering as much Morley’s food as possible.
Until Jodie comes along and makes Corey realise the changes that are happening within his beloved Lewisham borough.
This, for the first time, makes Corey think about what path his future takes.
Writer and actor, Mr Bovell, said: “This is a raw and nostalgic coming of age story, similar to Debbie Tucker Green’s play Random which, although written more than 10 years ago, has a theme that is still relevant.
Knife crime in England and Wales reached an unprecedented high in the year to June 2019, increasing by seven per cent on the previous 12 months, according to the Office for National Statistics.
“I don’t believe London’s streets – especially in Lewisham – feel any safer, despite the strategic plans that have been put in place to tackle the robust wave of crime,” said Mr Bovell.
“Chicken Burger and Chips was written in hope that my younger target audience can see the consequences of violence within the local community and find a new way to challenge their energy into something positive.”
Chicken Burger and Chips is written and performed by Corey Bovell and directed by Kwame Asiedu.