
Pop Brixton’s Share A Slice donates free pizzas to NHS heroes

It should be possible to make some dough if you get into the pizza delivery business.

But that was until lockdown came along and restaurants had to close.

A pizza restaurant and community concept in Pop Brixton, Share A Slice, had no incomings and lots of outgoings – that’s takeaways for you. So founder Raj Kambo had to make a decision.

Normally, the public-spirited business run on a one-for-one model, where for every pizza bought by a customer, another is donated to someone in need via food drives and charity partners.

But as the coronavirus crisis hit, he wanted to make sure his “pizza the action” went to those on the front line. He decided to donate 120 free pizzas to NHS staff at King’s College Hospital.

They also might have tried telling a few jokes, but the medics would have thought they were too cheesy. It might have been something to do with the delivery.

Raj said: “Here at Share A Slice, we have family and friends who work for the NHS and see first-hand the countless hours and incredible hard work that they are putting in to keep us all safe during this period.

“We wanted to show our support in the best way we knew how, and with the help of our friend Chirag Vegad who works at King’s College Hospital, we managed to get our food to them.

“We did not realise how a small gesture would go such a long way and are happy to have helped in a time where community needs to come together.

“Huge thanks to those who helped us achieve this, including Liz from the site team at Pop Brixton.

“And also a huge thanks to those key workers who are working tirelessly on the front line to support everyone through this time.”

Pictured top: NHS staff with the pizzas donated by Pop Brixton’s Share A Slice

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