
Anger at 1,000-home Peckham skyscraper which will block views and take six years to finish

Residents are unhappy a multi-million pound skyscraper development will block their views – and take six years to complete.

Developer Tiger plans 1,000 new homes in Peckham High Street, with 35 per cent of them ‘affordable’.

The plans currently show buildings of up to 15 storeys – but Tiger also admits it is exploring an option of buildings up to 20 storeys, which would block the panoramic views from Peckham’s town centre rooftops.

Resident of next-door Purdon House, Josh Bools, said: “Building a town within a town will have a huge impact on all the local businesses around the area.

“Frank’s (bar on top of Peckham Levels) and the Bussey Building rely on revenue from the immense skyline views. This will no longer be as much of an attraction when those views are taken away.

“Any tall buildings near my building will block out all or most natural light. I was told that this wouldn’t be the case as the buildings will not tower over Purdon House – a confusing message after seeing the new plans.

“Tiger say they have done a survey of around 13,000 residents on their opinions. I have spoken with a lot of the residents on the estate and specifically within Purdon House who have had no idea about what this survey is or when it was carried out.

“A website set up with a telephone number and an email address for further comments and feedback to be welcomed.

“But I and others have tried to use this with no response – not even picking up the phone.

“Six years is a very long time for noise and disturbance for the residents.”

Peckham Vision co-ordinator Eileen Conn said: “Local residents trying to understand the plans and work out the implications are becoming more worried by the day, and unable to get responses to their enquiries.”

A petition has been launched calling for a “meaningful consultation process” over the plans here.

Tiger Developments has been approached for a comment.

John Nesbitt, Managing Director of Tiger Developments said: “Tiger Developments has been engaging with local people and businesses about the proposals for the Aylesham Shopping Centre since 2016. In total over 580 people have attended multiple workshops and exhibitions about the plans and over 4,200 people have provided feedback about the proposals online.

“Over this period, the planning application has been shaped by this feedback and we are delivering key benefits for Peckham that people have told us they want to see. This includes delivering over 900 new homes – of which 37% will be affordable; a new retail centre that can accommodate a variety of occupiers from small independent businesses to high-street chains, alongside a new and improved Morrisons supermarket; a new bus road running through the site, creating improved public transport connections and passenger interchange through the town centre; and 14,000 m2 of public space, including dedicated play areas for children.

“The Aylesham Centre has the potential to be transformed into an exciting new destination that builds upon Peckham’s strengths and complements the existing vibrant town centre offer and we want to create a place that is attractive to a wide range of businesses that will serve and support the local community, create new jobs and attract new visitors to the area. Importantly, the Aylesham Centre site also provides the opportunity to deliver much-needed private and affordable new homes, in a highly sustainable and accessible location.

“This is not the end of our engagement programme and we have a team actively meeting with local people, amenity groups and businesses to discuss how we can ensure that this development delivers real social value to local communities for the long-term and reflects the best of the area.”

Pictured top: Purdon House – and the site in question next to it 


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