
Bexley residents against new drive-thru not Lovin’ It

A McDonald’s restaurant has a new 24-hour drive-thru – but there’s fierce backlash from residents who fear rubbish will fill their streets.

The fast food outlet in Crayford Road, Bexley, got the green light to set up all night drive-thru and delivery services.

It will run on a trial basis for a year as Bexley council looks to iron out potential issues raised by residents.

They include increases in littering, antisocial-behaviour and fears that the lure of McDonald’s stops people going for healthier food options.

The planning committee voted through proposals on December 16, allowing the burger chain to now operate between 12am-5am.

While the restaurant remains closed, people can swing by the drive-thru and grab a meal in the middle of the night.

They can also send delivery drivers to pick up their food whenever they want.

But some have complained about the amount of rubbish this could attract in the area.

The council report warns that neighbours close to the McDonald’s restaurant fear an “increase in littering and, in turn, vermin” due to the increased activity.

An increase in rubbish could be one of the factors which could see the permission for a drive-thru revoked.

The report notes that this type of antisocial-behaviour has been reported in a Bromley McDonald’s after they opened for 24 hours.

Councillor June Slaughter said: “Delivery drivers aren’t under the control of the applicant as they are controlled by third parties.”

But supporters of the expansion say that given it is normally only overnight workers who will be in the car park during these hours, this should not be an issue.

They add that this change will also boost employment and should provide only minor disruption to residents.

Pictured: The McDonald’s restaurant in Crayford Road

One thought on “Bexley residents against new drive-thru not Lovin’ It

  • Sciurus Carolinensis Nemesis

    Litter isn’t the fault of the business is it? It is the fault of the thoughtless lowlives who chuck it out onto the street. You know who you are


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