
Burgess Park ravers face court action

By Grainne Cuffe, Local Democracy Reporter

Ravers who illegally use a park could be hauled to court after town hall leaders secured a year-long injunction.

The County Court made a temporary court order on Friday which gives the council the power to take people to court if they engage in banned or illegal activities in Burgess Park, between Walworth and Camberwell.

The worst offenders face up to two years in prison, while others will be slapped with a fine.

The injunction follows complaints from visitors and residents that the park, bordered by Walworth, Camberwell, Peckham, and Bermondsey, has been “plagued” by raves, violence, noise, and littering.

It specifically bans loud music, lighting equipment, marquees and gatherings of more than 20 people after 9pm.

It also covers illegals activities, including fighting and violence, carrying a weapon, and engaging in sexual activity.

If people refuse to follow the rules they will be found in breach of a court order and in contempt of court.

Cllr Rebecca Lury, deputy leader of Southwark council, said: “We are delighted that the courts have agreed to help us better address dangerous behaviour in Burgess Park, by granting our temporary injunction application – for one year.

“Recorder Lambert QC, at the County Court at Central London, recognised the impact that unlicensed events and other illegal behaviour, has had on neighbouring residents, our staff, the police and other emergency services, this summer.

“As ever, our goal is to educate, and prevent dangerous behaviour in our parks, but this injunction will allow our officers greater powers.

“If people refuse to do as they ask, in line with the seven terms of the injunction, they will be found in breach of a court order and in contempt of court. This could result in a fine, and up to two years in prison.

“This injunction is designed to help us tackle illegal raves, violence and other dangerous behaviour in the park.

“It will be used responsibly to maintain Burgess Park as one of South London’s biggest and most beautiful open spaces, and a place that families and local people can safely enjoy.”

The injunction was granted until August 26, 2021.

Pictured top: People enjoying Southwark’s Burgess Park

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