EXCLUSIVE: South Norwood gravedigger who fought through fire to save Forest Hill publican – ‘I just did what had to be done’
A gravedigger who pulled a landlord unconscious from his burning pub has said he was just doing “what had to be done”.
Joe O’Rourke saved the life of Asa Holmes by dragging him from the Bird in Hand in Dartmouth Road in Forest Hill on Monday.
The 46-year-old, from Macclesfield Road, South Norwood, who was not able to take any holiday during 2020 because there have been so many funerals in Southwark during the pandemic, said: “All I’ve been doing is burying bodies in the last year – I thought ‘I’m not having another one’.”

The father of two was off that day, trying to use up his holiday on management orders, before the end of the month – and was only in the area so he could pay off a traffic ticket incurred when he was working.
He was trying to break in when Asa’s distraught flatmate, Monika fled the building and told him the publican was still upstairs.
He rushed through the pub, jumped the bar and found a collapsed Asa upstairs, dragging him downstairs by his shoulders to save his life.
Joe had been driving past when he saw a small crowd outside. “I was caught in traffic but as I got closer I saw the fire,” he said.
“I did debate with myself – but then I got out and reached the door and just started kicking it.
“A minute later, a woman appeared covered in black smoke – she said ‘Help! Help! Call the fire brigade! Asa is stuck upstairs!’
“I knew they had been called so I just went in the fire exit she came out of.
“I couldn’t see how to get upstairs so shouted to her. She said behind the bar, so I jumped over it – and then I could see the door.
“I opened it and smoke came billowing into the bar. I could not see upstairs for the smoke – apart from the yellow of the flames in the fumes.
“I heard a voice and ran up and found him on the floor, not moving. There were flames in the passageway.
“I picked him up by the shoulders and dragged him downstairs.
“I don’t know if he had just woken up or was about to pass out.
“I think if I had not got him out he would not have made it out.
“This other man had run into the bar and he helped me carrying the other shoulder.
“As we came out, the windows blew in – that’s how hot it had got. There was smoke coming out of every window on the ground floor. We couldn’t have got anyone else out if they had been left there.
“I am fine today – I just have a bit of a sore throat today – that’s all.
“I’m probably going to get another ticket for parking outside the post office while all this was going on.”
Friend Sara, who told the South London Press the identity of the life-saver, said to him: “The fact that he didn’t even think and risked his own life – he really is an absolute legend and hero.
“But he just said to me ‘I didn’t think about it. It had to be done.’
“I know he’ll say anyone could have done it but he should be recognised for what he did.
“He is such a humble man and dedicated to his family and his work.”
I am so glad you found him, I quoted yesterday for SLP, I was on scene too, and honestly Joe deserves a medal!!!
Thank you … from Joseph