Greenwich couple’s first book inspires children to eat more healthily
Greenwich-based couple Charli and Matt Glass have co-written and co-illustrated a rhyming
childrens’ book called Wes the Windy Walrus.
It tells the story of a flatulent walrus and his quest for a good night’s sleep, in a humorous
attempt to send a healthy eating message to young children.
Matt and Charli are parents of 20-month-old Poppy, who inspired them to write this
entertaining and educational story.
Charli said: “Our daughter, Poppy, has inherited our love of stories and books, so we
created this book for her and other children.

“We have been speaking to our publisher about creating a series of rhyming picture books, all with animal characters overcoming issues with bodily functions, from Harry the hiccuping hedgehog to Sam the sneezing schnauzer,” she added.
Matt and Charli met as journalists and later set up their own PR agency.
“My wife and I have always worked together – we met through work, so we really enjoyed bringing this colourful adventure to life together and imagining reading it to our daughter,” said Matt.
Wes the Windy Walrus is an attempt to bring more colour and creativity to bedtime stories, say the couple.
Charli said: “Lots of my daughter’s picture books are pale, muted watercolours, but we wanted our illustrations to be as bold, loud and colourful as the character.
The book was published by London-based publishing house Austin Macauley on November 28, and is available for order online.
Austin Macauley will be releasing a hard back and electronic version of the book to make it accessible on electronic devices as well as in print.
It is available in store at Waterstones and Barnes & Nobles, and online at Amazon and Booktopia among others.