Have your say on the future of Lambeth mental health services…
Lambeth residents are invited to hear more about the proposals to move inpatient services from out of-date wards at Lambeth Hospital, to new, purpose-built accommodation at the Maudsley Hospital, in Camberwell and give their feedback by joining an online conversation from 5pm-6pm on 20 May or 21 May (supported by Black Thrive).
The 12-week consultation, which ends on May 31, 2020, is being led by NHS South East London Clinical Commissioning Group (SEL CCG), supported by South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, and looks at proposals developed over many months following input and feedback from staff, service users, carers and regulators.
The proposals aim to:
- provide a modern, safe and therapeutic environment for service users by moving four wards and a Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) from out-dated, poor quality wards in Lambeth Hospital to safer, more modern wards in a new purpose-built building at the Maudsley Hospital, less than three miles away.
- give patients the privacy and dignity they deserve and to meet national standards by making all wards single-sex, with en-suite bathrooms in all bedrooms, direct unsupervised access to large outdoor balconies and fresh air, family rooms and a multi-faith space.
- improve staff morale, recruitment and retention by creating a better working environment.
The consultation has been widely promoted in the last few weeks including distributing materials to pharmacies, a flyer-drop around the hospital site, through community outreach and focus groups, via the media and online. Public events were originally planned as part of the consultation.
However, as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak face-to-face engagement is currently not possible but these online events will give local people an opportunity to find out more and give their views and suggestions.
The online events are free and open for everyone to attend. To join, please register by emailing lamccg.hospitalconsultation@nhs.net
Alternatively information about the proposals including a short film with a virtual tour of the proposed new building and a link to the online survey, can be found on the consultation webpage at https://lambethtogether.net/lambethhospital/
If you are unable to attend one of the online events but would welcome a conversation or more information you can also email or call the consultation team by freephone on 0800 307 7650.
Have your say
Before a decision is made, NHS SEL CCG wants to know whether you agree with the proposed move, what benefits you think the proposal could have and any concerns you have.
Do you think the proposal might affect some individuals and groups more than others?
Do you have any other solutions or alternative options that you think should be considered?
- join an online discussion event: 5pm-6pm on Wednesday 20 May or Thursday 21 May
(supported by Black Thrive). Register to attend by emailing lamccg.hospitalconsultation@nhs.net - complete an online survey surveymonkey.co.uk/r/lambethhospitalconsultation
- download a hard copy of the survey and find more information, including translated versions of
the consultation documents at: lambethtogether.net/lambethhospital - email us your views at lamccg.hospitalconsultation@nhs.net
- call our FREEPHONE number and leave a message and a member of the project team will respond – 0800 307 7650