Bromley skincare company donates 125,000 products to frontline workers
By Frank Pachas
Thousands of British frontline workers have been given skincare products to stop their skin drying up, since lockdown began.

Dr.PawPaw, based in Elmfield Road, Bromley, has donated 125,000 products to frontline workers from NHS staff to teachers, retail workers and carers.
Dr.PAWPAW founders Johnny and Pauline Paterson said: “We contributed in our way and we couldn’t be more proud to have been able to support so many people over the last year.
“To know we have helped not only nourish and soothe tired and sore skin, lips and hands, but also given so many a pick me up when they needed it most and put so many smiles on faces during this terrible time has been really humbling.
“We’re so thankful we’re in this position and have amazing products to offer people.”
NHS staff member Demi said: “I’m a key worker for the NHS and my lips have been so dry from being run down with lack of sleep.
“I love Dr.PAWPAW and I’m so grateful for these freebies they have given out for us key workers.”
Frontline worker Amy O’callaghan said: “As a key worker I really appreciate the generosity of Dr.PAWPAW giving away my favourite lip product as a little thank you.
“It’s little things like this that help us carry on.”
As lockdown eases gradually, Dr.PAWPAW still continues to support the NHS frontline workers with a 50 per cent discount.
If you are a frontline worker, go to and use the codes NHS50 and FRONTLINE50.