Book Reviews with Pauline Atkins: Riding Pillion with George Clooney by Geraldine Ryan
Hello South London Book Lovers,
As Christmas is approaching, I thought it might be a good idea to start reviewing a few Christmas-themed books throughout December, so please let me know if you have any to suggest or if you have just published one and would like it reviewed.

In the meantime, I would love to introduce my new favourite author, Geraldine Ryan.
Geraldine started writing her stories in My Weekly in 1993. Since then, she has written stories for Take a Break, Fiction Feast and Woman’s Weekly.
Geraldine has published two young adult novels Model Behaviour and The Lies and Loves of Finn.
Her latest book Riding Pillion with George Clooney, published by Wrate’s Publishing, is available for £6.99 through Amazon in paperback. Cover illustration and design is by Rachel Middleton.
As a book reviewer, I don’t get time to have favourite authors because I only get to read one of their books but, after reading Riding Pillion with George Clooney I fell in love with her writing style.
This book contains 12 short stories inspired by the everyday lives of women, and as a woman, wife and mother living in a very confusing world right now, I found this lovely little book the perfect escape from all this craziness we are living through, I could even relate to a few of them!
I would recommend putting on the kettle, or pop a chilled bottle of wine, get out your favourite biscuits or box of chocolates, hey, why not have both.
Find a comfy chair, turn off your phone and put your feet up.
You will want to read this book in a day so you might want to phone work and tell them you’re having a duvet day and enjoy a few hours, just you, your book, and a drop of something nice. You deserve it.
Thankfully, Geraldine also sent me a wonderful book of Christmas-themed short stories. This one is, thankfully, a little longer and will get me into the Christmas spirit.
Don’t forget to send me your Christmas suggestions.
Picture: Riding Pillion with George Clooney Picture: Rachel Middleton
Picture Pauline Atkins