Cirque Du Soliel keeps the age-old circus traditions alive… review by Adam Davidson
Cirque Du Soliel keeps the age-old circus traditions alive by bringing a stylish and exciting show to The O2 Arena in Greenwich, writes Adam Davidson.
The world-famous circus troupe were back in London for a five-night run with a new performance Cortéo, a show which premiered in 2005 but has never been shown in the UK before.
Cortéo, coming from the Italian word for procession, is about a clown who watches over his own funeral and looks back on his life accompanied by flying angels.
The staging before the show was set out like a 19th century theatre with curtains separating the arena which created an intimate setting.
The immersion was complete with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling of the O2 and a Pierrot clown interacting with some of the audience.
The lights dimmed and the show started with the narration: “I dreamt of my funeral. We were all there, and I lay dead.”
The opening sequence was observed through a curtain as smoke and lights created a macabre and Fellini-esque dreamlike sensation of a carnival funeral procession.

The curtains rolled open and aerial dancers glided through the air on chandeliers whilst a classical singer lamented.
It was mind-blowing to see the performers pull off these genuine death-defying stunts with such finesse and grace that it seems as natural to them as walking.
There was also exciting audience interaction as the crowd became part of the act when in one of the stunts, ‘the clowness’, Anita Szented, floated over both sides of the Arena on giant balloons.
Members of the crowd had to keep her afloat by giving her a helpful push when she got too low. It got people involved and created excitement and joy all around the venue.
The second half of the show opened with more dangerous classics like the trapeze in which the performers were gracefully hurled through the air.
There was also a sequence that involved a man climbing up a 20ft ladder and used them as stilts.
These kinds of stunts had hearts racing and the audience holding their breaths as the performers risked their lives for entertainment purposes.

Certain sections of the show also showcased the troupe’s musical ability with stunts often accompanied by an opera singer or a Pierrot clown on the drums.
The music somehow elevated the already majestic and mind-blowing stunts to new heights by adding drama to the sequence or adding an extra layer of beauty.
Previous shows have had outlandish themes in fantasy worlds but Cirque Du Solie have found something special in embracing the classic traditions as they bring the joy of the circus to audiences around the world.
The Cortéo crew continue their tour around the UK with shows in Birmingham, Manchester and Glasgow.
Pictured: Amazing acrobatics by the cast of Cirque Du Soliel Pictures: Corinne Cumming