Experience the works of painters Hilma AF Klint and Piet Mondrian at the Tate Modern
Tate Modern is offering a chance to experience the work of Swedish painter Hilma AF Klint and Dutch painter Piet Mondrian from April, 20.
Although they never met, the two artists invented their own languages of abstract art rooted in nature.
Klint and Mondrian started their artistic careers as landscape painters, despite diverging into other forms later on they both remained driven by a desire to understand the forces behind life on earth.

Klint’s abstract natural forms will be on display alongside Mondrian’s iconic grids and some of his rarely exhibited paintings of flowers.
The exhibition will convey the artists shared interest in new ideas in spirituality, scientific discovery and philosophy.
These ideas will be showcased especially by Klint’s large-scale, otherworldly masterpieces she believed were commissioned by higher powers.
The exhibition was organised by Tate Modern and Kunstmuseum Den Haag and will be presented in the Eyal Ofer Galleries.
For more information visit: www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tate-modern/hilma-af-klint-piet-mondrian
Picture: Hilma af Klint The Ten Largest, Group IV No.2, Childhood 1907 Hilma af Klint Foundation Picture: Tate Modern