AD FEATURE: Reading Round is a Book Club with a difference
“If we want to write we need to read. Let’s have fun!”
Join Juliet and discover the joy of reading poetry and short stories from around the world.
Open discussion will explore the art of storytelling in detail.
No pre-reading, no pens, no paper, and no homework. Weekly meetings are 90 minutes, free and open to all.
How To Join: Email:
When: Every week 6-7.30pm starting Monday, September 18th
Where: The Albany Theatre, Douglas Way, London SE8 4AG
Deptford Station (2-min walk), New Cross Station (7-min walk), Deptford Bridge Station (9-min walk). Buses 171, 172, 177, 47, 53 and 453. (There’s bicycle storage at The Albany.)
For further details contact:
Juliet Gilkes – Reading Round/photo credit: Richard H. Smith/Picture: Pixabay/Pexels