Food & DrinkLifestyle

AD-FEATURE: Jollof Paste – the true taste of West Africa

Shirley, the founder of Shirley’s Jollof Paste has revolutionised a traditional West African cuisine that usually takes 2hrs to cook without compromising on the authentic taste and flavour.

A mother of 5, running a business and cooking for a large family doesn’t come easy.

It’s all worth it when we are all together at the dining table eating our favourite dish Jollof Rice and the children telling me mum this is the best.

Shirley’s Jollof Paste

With Jollof being a staple dish in every West African home and definitely a dish that unites the whole family, a cuisine that you would expect for all celebrations be it a wedding, birthday, christening, funeral, Easter, Christmas and rest from the Africa diaspora.

“I wanted to create a staple food product that was quick and easy for the family as well as for all to experience the heavenly flavours of West Africa infused in our everyday dishes from around the world without the hassle.”

Benefiting from 4 Flavours Original, Chicken, Lamb and Beef, and yes they are all Vegan.

With no mess no stress, everyone can now cook Jollof Rice like a Pro with ease in 35 mins.

Shirley’s Jollof Paste: Four flavours Original, Chicken, Lamb and Beef, and they are all Vegan

It gets even better, the paste is versatile in its application, it can be used as a marinade or as a ingredient to cook other dishes from around the world giving your dish a twist.

A staple product that should be in every kitchen cupboard.

As Jollof has become very popular and people eagerly wanting to learn more about African cuisine and how to cook Jollof Rice we have made it easy.

Shirley’s Jollof Paste has achieved what once seemed impossible has now become possible.

Solving your Jollof needs and giving you the confidence to experience and cook West Africa’s most loved rice dish giving you a mouth-watering experience .

Shirley’s Red Sauce range

Since the start of the business journey 3 years ago Shirley’s Jollof Paste has grown from strength to strength.

It’s now an award winning product for best innovative convenient food as well as receiving the great taste award for our chicken flavour Jollof Paste.

This year we launched our new addition Shirley’s Red Sauce range, which has a unique array of ingredients that seamlessly combine the taste of West Africa with the familiarity of the West.

Our dipping sauce is authentic in taste and rich in flavour, deepening the flavours to compliment your BBQs, lunches and meals.

Shirley’s Red Sauce range: compliment your BBQs, lunches and meals.

Even though the sauce range has just been launched this year it has been voted the people’s favourite in Dorset and Chichester.

Shirley’s passion is to give back to her community and does this through the youth work shops that she hosts twice a year at the Engine Room.

Her life-skills cooking programme for ages 8-24 years old teach the young generation about the history of Jollof and how it’s been revolutionised.

Shirley’s Jollof Paste allows the young generation to cook Jollof Rice in a convenient and confident way for their attention span, as well as being hands on in cooking keeping the legacy of cooking Jollof rice going by using the paste to create and cook other dishes from around the world.

Shirley’s Jollof Paste: A staple product that should be in every kitchen cupboard

The long term goal for Shirley’s Jollof Paste is to be UK’s leading Jollof Product.

A household brand for all to enjoy West African Flavours.

Our ultimate goal is for Shirley’s Jollof Paste to become a global phenomenon!!

We have taken 90% of the labour leaving you with 10% of the fun work.

Whether you are an experienced Jollof cook or just a beginner, using Shirley’s Jollof Paste is a new convenient way to cook Jollof Rice without the hassle.

Not compromising on authenticity, we aim to give you the joy to cook West Africa’s most loved rice dish like a Pro.

You can find Shirley’s Jollof Paste in Morleys Department Store in Brixton, 0ur Online Store:, Ades Cash & Carry, Thamesmead, Wanis Cash & Carry and other stores you will find on the website.

We will be showcasing in a major department store this autumn and great things happening for Shirley’s Jollof Paste and the Red Sauce Range in 2024.

website: / facebook: shirleysjollofpaste / instagram: shirleysjollofpaste



Pictures: Shirley’s Jollof Paste

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