Food & DrinkLifestyle

Benefits of eating local at breakfast time

We are constantly reminded to take at least 10,000 steps each day to maintain general good health.

But even before we are up and out, our breakfast has already travelled millions of steps to reach us.

A sustainability expert has revealed that British breakfast favourites avocado on toast and a traditional English fry up travel the most miles to reach our plates.

In fact, even if you’re thinking of adding banana to your porridge, the majority have flown over from the Caribbean, travelling up to 4,600 miles to reach the UK, equating to 9,200,000 steps.

While the trendy avocado can travel up to 6,321 miles from Peru to London, the equivalent of taking a shocking 12,642,000 steps.

A survey conducted by One Poll last month found that only one in 10 people frequently think about how sustainable their food is.

Despite this, half of those polled admitted they should be more considerate but don’t know enough about it.

More than half of adults polled also said they have tried to grow their own produce to reduce their food mileage, though nearly a quarter rarely or never consider buying local produce to reduce the travel involved to their plate.

Vegetables, eggs and fruit were the items adults were most likely to make an effort to buy from sustainable sources – with coffee, clothes and soap also ranking highly.

Yet 67 per cent will turn a blind eye to where certain goods are created or sourced from.

Sustainability Expert, Leanne Wilson, recommends improving the sustainability of your groceries by shopping local and taking note where different food is grown.

The humble mushroom, she suggested, is the ideal breakfast choice for travelling minimal food miles.

She said: “Buying British and Irish means supporting local communities, farmers and aids employment opportunities.

“What’s more, buying local produce is extremely beneficial for the environment, while simultaneously delivering fresher, more nutritious produce as a result.”

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