Local Greens, seasonal local organic food for South London
Local Greens was the idea of two eco-conscious Herne Hill mums, Jean & Therese.
They wanted to provide their neighbourhood with organic or biodynamic seasonal veg grown as near as possible to SE London to ensure maximum freshness and minimum food miles.
Therese met Maria from East Dulwich at a local food growing event who as a marketing professional was then approached to look after Local Greens’ communications and PR.
Jane and Natasha also joined to look take on operations and community growing.
Together we have all researched, visited and set up a relationship with our farmers so that we have a working partnership.
It is these small sustainable growers who supply most of the veg for our bags
All our producers are small-scale farmers who are either certified organic or spray free.
We have visited all the farms and know the farmers personally.
The veg grown by small-scale operations has particular environmental and social benefits.
Small-scale operations tend to be more labour intensive than large-scale ‘industrial’ operations, which are more fuel and machinery intensive.
They often involve the employment of more local people and contribute more directly to the economic and social well being of the local area.
Eating with the seasons is one of the joys of having a veg bag. You’ll be eating food that will have been in the field a day or few days before.
Our scheme supports the local farmers directly, helping them earn a fair price for their produce.
Food that is grown closer to us means transportation is kept to a minimum and there will be less environmental pollution in the sourcing of our veg.
We will also only ever supply UK grown veg, further reducing food miles.
Locally produced food can also be fresher, healthier and more nutritious having being spared lengthy periods of storage, chilling and travel.
Visit us at https://www.localgreens.org.uk/