Focus attention on money laundering
Thanks very much for the article on Daniel Morgan (“Met ‘discovers’ documents in unsolved 1987 murder case,” South London Press, May 12, 2023) and Editorial (“Met’s horror show rumbled on,”).
Cases such as that of Daniel Morgan or the arrests of coronation protestors don’t fall within the remit of the Casey Review.
The Human Rights Act and our membership of the European Court of Human Rights guarantee freedom of expression and other human rights in Britain.
Daniel Morgan’s case is important because it is about corruption in the Metropolitan Police Service and the Met’s own links with the now-closed News of the World.
The phone hacking scandal led to its closure and the Leveson Inquiry led to the creation of the press regulator Ipso.
On the Stephen Lawrence case, corruption of some of the Met’s officers involved with the case was also an issue.
Corruption may be part of the reason it took almost 20 years for some of the gang that murdered Stephen Lawrence to be convicted and jailed.
Generally the criminal justice system and police forces need to spend much more time tackling crimes such as online fraud and money laundering, instead of massively over policing inner city BME communities in a way that only alienates them.
Police practice would benefit hugely from recruiting many more graduates than is the case at the moment,
Shouvik Datta.
English and maths tutor, teaching assistant by email
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