
I agree with the SLP, he does have tough act to follow

I write in support of the sentiments expressed within the South London Press following the death of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II. ( September 16)

The fact that people of all walks of life and from across the political spectrum have spoken so positively about the late Queen shows the true value of our monarchy in that it transcends politics and acts as a unifying force in our national life.

The enthusiastic welcome given to the late Queen and Prince Philip upon their visit to North Kensington shortly after the Grenfell Tower disaster far exceeded the reception received by political leaders, as did Charles’ visit to Brixton where he took part in a game of American football.

Those who have churlishly sniped at the Royal family during the past week would do well to remember this.

I wholly concur with your editorial which states that Charles has “a tough act to follow” but have no doubt that King Charles III will grow to become as fine a monarch as was his late mother.

Keeley-Jasmine Cavendish
Thurlow Park Road


Picture: King Charles III – Dan Marsh/Flickr

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