
Police are not helping minority businesses in Croydon

To the Police Commissioner, Metropolitan Police Force

The London Road Business Association write this letter as a last resort to highlight the severe conditions that the businesses are facing due to the escalating crime, disorder and antisocial behaviour in the area and your policing response to the challenges that we as a business community are facing every day.

We trust you are aware of the increased violence and disorder in the area which has so recently resulted in the deaths of two of our children.

We also continue to face on a day-to-day basis open drug-dealing and prostitution in our streets. Day to day we live with intimidation from criminals, and we live and trade in an environment of fear which would be unacceptable to any community.

As a business community we are keen to support the enforcement of law and we have and continue to be opened to working with the Met, however it is now clear that our continued call for support and assistance falls on deaf ears.

We are ignored by the very institution that we rely on to keep us safe.

Our businesses are faced with protecting themselves and even though we have been encouraged to contact the police when we do, we are ignored.
We have countless examples of calling for emergency assistance that never materialises or if it does it is late.

The perception to us is that you flagrantly ignore us, and we believe that this is because most of our businesses in this region are from the black, Asian and minority ethnic communities. You continue to fail us on an unacceptable level.

We have chosen to write this correspondence as an open letter in the hope that you hear and are forced to raise the standard of the policing that we receive in the area.

We continue to be keen to develop a relationship with you that keeps our customers and ourselves safe and reduces the fall in the footfall in this area.

We hope that by reaching out in this way we can work with you to address the poor policing relationship that is held in this area and raise the standard of support and safety to our community.

Ganapathy Kasinathan
Chairman London Road Businesses
London Road, Croydon

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