How to check and treat pet allergies
Did you know our beloved pets can also suffer with allergies?
PDSA Vet Nurse Nina Downing said: “As with humans, there are different types of allergies dogs can suffer with – and also many different triggers.”
Caring for your dog’s skin allergy:
If you think your dog has a skin allergy, it’s best to get advice from your vet early on, Nina explains.
“Most dogs will scratch every now and then and can lose a bit of fur during a seasonal moult, but if your dog seems to be scratching more it’s best to contact your vet.”
Avoid any triggers
Dogs will often have more than one trigger that kick starts an allergy response and this can make identifying the cause of a skin allergy very difficult.
Nina said. “They could be almost anything – fleas, food, pollens, grass or mites to name just a few, but there are still lots of ways to help your dog even if you don’t know all of the allergens that set them off.”

Flea treatments
There are dogs that can be allergic to fleas themselves.
Talk to your vet about which flea treatment is best for your dog and visit our PDSA Pet Store for our flea treatment range.
Food trial
Food can be a trigger for some skin allergies. Carrying out a food trial is a good way to see if your dog’s diet might be causing their skin issues.
Keep a diary
Try keeping a diary to help spot the triggers.
This will help you look for patterns and try to avoid anything that could be causing issues.
Avoid lotions and potions
Unless your vet has recommended certain products to help your dog’s skin, stick to plain tap water if you need to wash your dog.
If your dog reacts to environmental allergens, a quick wipe down with a damp cloth after a walk can help remove pollen.
Look for changes
Skin allergies often get better or worse and come and go over time – and sometimes this can seem completely random.
Your dog might be fine for days, weeks or even months.
Then, they can have a sudden flare up with no obvious cause.
It’s tempting to wait and see if their skin will settle down as mysteriously as it flared up, but it’s always better to get your dog checked over.
Be patient
We understand it’s hard to see your four-legged friend feeling uncomfortable.
The cost for treating allergies can add up and spending another afternoon at the vets might not be your favourite thing to do, but it’s really important to be patient, especially when you’re starting a new treatment.
Your dog’s skin allergies may need management throughout their lives, but it will all be worth it when your pooch is living a happy, itch-free life.
Picture: Pixabay/mirkosajkov