
Is your cat microchipped? It’s the law

The law around microchipping cats is changing, meaning if your feline family member isn’t microchipped by summer 2024, you could face a fine of up to £500.

PDSA Vet Nurse Nina Downing explains: “The new microchipping rules mean all cats must be implanted with a microchip before they reach the age of 20 weeks.

“The law changes on 10 June 2024 so any owners found not to have microchipped their cat by then could face a fine of up to £500.”

What is a microchip?
“A microchip is a very small device – about the size of a grain of rice, that contains a unique number linking a pet to their owner,” she shares.

The microchip is implanted under the skin between the shoulder blades using a needle. It takes just a few seconds.

Once microchipped, owner contact details and the pet’s unique identification chip number are stored in a pet microchipping database to help reunite lost, stolen or injured pets with their owners as quickly as possible.

A microchip contains a unique number linking a pet to their owner. Picture: Pixabay/MabelAmber

Does microchipping hurt?
Many pets barely react to being microchipped as the area of skin where implantation is done is near the ‘scruff’ of the neck, between the shoulder blades, where the skin tends to be looser.

Like any injection, microchipping can cause a small amount of discomfort, but fortunately it’s a very quick procedure that takes just a few seconds and a tasty treat afterwards is likely to quickly distract them if they do become upset.

Where can I get my pet microchipped?
Microchips can only be implanted by vets, veterinary nurses, and people who have been specially trained.

How do I register my pet’s microchip?
The professional that microchips your pet may pass your details to your microchip database company and register your details, or they may provide you with the documentation, so that you can register your pet yourself.

How long do microchips last?
Microchips are hard-wearing and should last for your pet’s lifetime.

It’s incredibly unusual for them to break or become faulty, but in the very rare case that one fails you can get a replacement fitted.

More commonly, microchips can move a small distance away from where they are implanted but this doesn’t hurt, it very rarely causes problems and the chip will still be picked up if it’s scanned.

What should I do if I re-home or sell my pet?
If you rehome or sell a pet, you need to contact their microchip database company to let them know.

They will give you a form or code to pass on to your pet’s new owner enabling them to change the details on the microchip.

This process is designed to prevent people from changing a pet’s microchip details without the owner’s permission (i.e. if they were stolen).

For more information visit



Picture: Pixabay /yairventuraf

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