
‘Unathletic’ six-man team ran 1000km and raised almost £3K for neuro-disability charity 

By Xindi Wei 

An unathletic six-man team ran 1000km last month to fundraise for a local charity as it turns 160 this year.

£1,444.81 was raised for British Home, a neuro-disability charity in Streatham.

The money was then matched by the organiser and so the total amount of money going to the charity is £2889.62.

Adam Grimwood, a Professional Support Lawyer from the team, said: “I think it’s fair to say that none of the team are particularly sporty or fitness minded, or certainly haven’t been for some years now.

“The team has a mixture of ages and personal circumstances, some have young children, some don’t; Some live in areas with lots of countryside to exercise in, some don’t.

“So, it really is a case that everyone does what they can when they can do it.

“There are noticeable jumps in our stats at the weekends and bank holidays, when quite simply there is more time to exercise than during the week, plus one isn’t tired from a day’s work.”

Set up by Markel Law, a legal business in Croydon, the race saw over 40 teams across the business competing for the first place. The winning team was to nominate a charity.

They chose to fundraise British Home, a charity they hold close to their hearts as one of the team member’s son has autism and another member’s father has Alzheimers.

Grimwood said there was “little or no time” to prepare for the race, as it was announced just before April.

“We needed to collectively get in with it and just do as much as we possibly could each day,” he said.

“The team has consistently averaged over 300km per week and this is pretty evenly spread, everyone has really contributed.

“The further any one individual has done in a day is 22.1km.”

The team of solicitors has worked together for a long time now.

Some of them have worked close to 20 years.

They advise small businesses about all aspects of the law, and to deal with any legal problems they have.

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