Days Out: BBC Autumnwatch Experience at London Wetland Centre, SW13
Have you ever wanted to be a wildlife presenter? Do you want to share your love of wildlife with the world?
Now’s the time to find out, at the BBC Autumnwatch Experience at WWT London Wetland Centre.
On Saturday, our BBC Springwatch Experience will become Autumnwatch, with new wildlife clips to narrate, plus a new researcher element.
Budding wildlife presenters can test their presenting skills in a specially-constructed set, based on the popular BBC Autumnwatch series, complete with cue cards, a TV screen and of course, a sofa.
Take on the role of a wildlife researcher and set off into the wild exploring the award-winning nature reserve.
Discover fascinating wetland wildlife using a specially-created log book to guide you to seasonal wildlife highlights.

Join in bird watching or pond dipping sessions with an expert guide, then take your new-found wildlife expertise back to the Autumnwatch experience at the lodge where you can present your findings.
Using an existing building at the London site, the ‘Lodge’ has been transformed into an Autumnwatch-style set, complete with a comfy sofa and a TV screen showing footage from the BBC series.
Take a seat on the sofa, grab a cue card and lights, camera, action. There’ll be seasonal wildlife clips on screen for you to narrate and you can even use our camera stand to film yourself on your mobile phone.
Show everyone what a great wildlife presenter you are by sharing your video with friends and family.
Learning Manager at WWT London Wetland Centre, Paul Lawston, said: “The BBC Autumnwatch Experience is an excellent opportunity for children to learn about our fascinating wildlife at WWT London Wetland Centre. And it’s a great chance for children to try their hands at being the Wildlife Presenters of the future.”
The relationship between WWT and the BBC Watches programmes stems back to 2005, when part of the first ever Springwatch episode was filmed at the London wetland centre, where peregrine falcons and red foxes were observed.

Since then, there have been six further episodes filmed either in part, or hosted at one of the nine wetland centres across the UK.
Rosemary Edwards, Autumnwatch Executive Producer, said: “The whole remit of BBC Autumnwatch is to inform and educate as well as entertain.
The Autumnwatch Experience at London Wetland Centre is a chance for people to see wildlife at close quarters as well as revisit some of the show’s favourite characters.
“These experiences will help them to understand how valuable our UK wildlife species are as well as give them the opportunity to step into the presenters’ shoes.”
So if you think you’ve got what it takes to be the new face of wildlife presenting, then swap your sofa for our Autumnwatch sofa at the London Wetland Centre, and take part in the Autumnwatch Experience.
The Autumnwatch Experience runs from tomorrow until November 24 and is included in centre admission or free to WWT members.
For more information see