TheatreWhats On

Funeral Flowers: The Bunker Theatre, London Bridge

Funeral Flowers A performance that combines spoken word poetry and floral arranging will explore trauma, grief and human relationships.

Funeral Flowers, by Emma Dennis-Edwards, won the Filipa Bragança Award for an outstanding solo theatre performance in her Fringe First award-winning run of this powerful production at last year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

Through spoken word and a floristry demonstration, Funeral Flowers takes audiences on an immersive journey into the world of seventeen-year-old Angelique, who dreams of being a florist.

The performance explores Angelique’s attempts to navigate the care system, adulthood, and the recurring threat of her boyfriend’s gang and leads us through her story which is filled with flowers.

The show playfully switches between six characters to highlight the reality of many vulnerable young women, and young black women in particular, who are left to grow up in the British care system.

As a series of life-changing events force Angelique out of her home, she must question what the future holds and if she can break free from her surroundings and forge a new path.

Funeral Flowers will run at The Bunker theatre in London Bridge from April 15 to May 4

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